Discussion Post | 5 Struggles of Being an Indian Reader- Part II

Hey everyone! Welcome or welcome back to my blog!

Back in September of 2021, I did a post titled 5 struggles of being an Indian reader, and here I am with part two! Click here to check part one out!

Let’s get straight into it!

  1. ARCs being solely for US/UK citizens:
    I am a person who loves to read books before they’re out. Hence, I often request ARCs on Netgalley. But there are so many authors who for some reason don’t give out ARCs to international citizens- famous authors like Rachel Lynn Solomon! I understand if they’re giving out physical ARCs- shipping costs are high, but what’s the issue for e-ARCs? Why the discrimination?
    Elaborating on the above point, oftentimes, entire blog tours are reserved for US citizens only. And I am like, why, just why, what’s the reasoning?
    Even with physical ARCs, I understand the shipping cost issues, but part of me still feels angry when I see the US only tag.
  2. We don’t have Tiktok:
    Look, Instagram reels are great. But there are so many booktoks and stuff I see on other platform, and you know, I feel the FOMO (I totally used it wrong, but oh well).
  3. Oh, you want to enter a giveaway? But you don’t live in the US/UK
    The number of times I’ve wanted to enter a giveaway, because I am like- oh that’s a book I really want to read, and then I see, it’s just for US citizens. yay.
  4. “Ah, you read English novels- Angrez (Britisher)”:
    Okay, look I love reading, and hence my grammar is better than some of my batchmates. I also often speak in English, since I am just more comfortable speaking in English with some people. Now, these other batchmates, see that, and go all, “Angrez.” You’ll be like, why’s that derogatory? It is, because the Britishers ruled India until 75 years ago, and it’s just considered a derogatory term.
    The thing is, that just because I read English novels, and speak in English half the time, and love the language (due to reading), I am not someone who stands for colonialism! So, just don’t call me Angrez!

    Also, a clarification, this is not a hate thing against British people, it’s just that even if I love other languages, and admire other cultures, I am still very much an Indian, and a person who admires her own language and culture too!
  5. Having to tolerate terrible Indian rep in books:
    Okay, listen up folks. Holi isn’t the only Indian festival- there’s Diwali, Rakshabandhan, Uttarayan etc.
    Holi also isn’t the romantic festivals books paint it to be- every inch of our bodies is covered in colours mixed with sweat and water, and kissing then, is simply gross. Honestly, Uttarayan is a more romantic festival.
    This is just one example, but there are countless others!

Let me know in the comments if I missed out some point! Which point could you relate to the most?

P.S.- I haven’t covered the points I used in the first post. So, do check that one out too, since it’s a much better post!

52 thoughts on “Discussion Post | 5 Struggles of Being an Indian Reader- Part II

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  1. You’re so me in the 4th point. Instead of taking English as a “British” language, we should focus more on developing our communication with people worldwide. English is the most common language in the world. Whether we Like it or not, one can’t progress much in this decade without learning it.
    Those people in India who says that, speak in a regional language or Hindi doesn’t even know that there isn’t any national language in India. India has two official language, Hindi & English.
    Communication is the key, not language. If someone knows Hindi then I’ll speak to them in Hindi else English.
    Moreover, to those who calls you “angrej,” ask them not use any Railway Line for travel along with so many other inventions that britishers introduced.

    Liked by 1 person

    We also miss out on most those author conferences.
    And about pt 4, relateable! I feel this familiarity towards english that i don’t towards my mother tongue and idk what problem people have with that

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yay, we got a part II! 🤗 I don’t care about ARCs or TikTok – the latter is even available here, but I’m not going down that rabbit hole when I already spend way too much time on YouTube 🤣 – but the giveaway thing is so true!!! Or signed copies, for that matter l… So many authors offer signed copies of their books – but to US readers only 😭

    And as for the bad Indian rep – I guess the market is just waiting for you to publish your own book educating us foreign dummies on all those other holidays! 😉🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes!
      Ah, I see, that’s true- also do you mean unvailable?
      Exactly! And shipping costs to India may be high, but I am guessing for Europe they’re lower?

      Hahaha, someday, hopefully, you’ll get it!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Nope – I meant that TikTok IS available here, but I personally just don’t want to use it because I feel like once I start, I’m going to waste way too much time on there! 🤣 So I don’t relate to that particular complaint of yours too much – but the giveaway and signed copies thing is definitely a struggle here, too! It’s not just that shipping would be extremely high – it’s also that it apparently requires a lot of extra paperwork to ship things outside of the US, so many authors or publishers don’t even bother. Especially when faced with EU custom controls, I guess they just think all the time, money, and extra effort isn’t worth it 😥

        Liked by 1 person

  4. This post was really interesting for me. I am Indian but have been born and brought up in the US. The only thing I could have possibly related to was #5, but I haven’t read any books with those types of things, so… I have endured some sort of racist comments about India, or stereotypes about Asians.
    The UK/US citizen thing must really suck. ☹️

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Also, there is one movie preview that I saw where this lady who was apparently Indian was saying she would make paneer chutney and roti for dinner. 😂

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  5. On your first point, I believe the issue with e-ARCs for international readers is related to licensing

    NetGalley talks about it on their website, where they say that publishers sell rights to publish editions in other territories, so they might not have permission to grant access to their e-ARCs to reviewers are located somewhere outside of their territory rights.

    e-ARC restrictions probably also play into blog tours. If everyone on the tour is given the e-ARC, it unfortunately makes sense that the organizer would not want to take on anyone who is unable to receive the e-ARC.

    I wish I’d looked into ARCs when I was living in France, because I’d be super curious about what it’s like there considering that a publisher might sell the rights to English-language books to other French companies for translation purposes.

    As for your third point about giveaways, I wonder if it’s also tied to sweepstakes laws around the world – it may be easier for someone to just to an American giveaway only so as to only deal with American laws around giveaways. Opening the giveaway to every country means the company has to follow giveaway laws in every country which may be very difficult.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. this post was SO relatable lol. especially the part about e-arcs only being available!! and don’t even get me started on indian rep in books-
    apparently holi is ‘just a fun colour festival’ and diwali is a ‘light festival’ 😤

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  7. About the ARCs, I had the same reaction. It’s understandable if physical books but why ebooks? Also, im shocked you don’t have tiktok

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Love this post. I agree about ARCs. They are tough to get because of shipping costs and publisher don’t have rights for all of their books in our country. I haven’t been called Angrez but I can that popping up if I start a booktube and also if I show people how I rarely read Indian author books.

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