Bookish Quiz #2 | How obsessed with books am I actually?

Hey everyone! So way back in January, I announced that I would do this bookish quiz thing, and I did do a quiz then, but after that, I just didn’t get time to do another quiz! So I thought, hey why don’t I do a quiz again? I am quite free today, since I cannot move a lot since I have hurt my foot in an embarrassing way that I do not want to share. But yes, my foot is hurting like hell😭

So, this Buzzfeed quiz is about how obsessed with books am I actually. I consider my life to revolve around books, so let’s see if Buzzfeed thinks I am actually obsessed with books or not. Here’s the link to the quiz. Now let’s go!

Number 1:

Okay, so I have a lot of books stacked in like a cupboard, but I am pretty sure I would need a very big book case to fit them all if I want to. And they are there all over the house, so, I am going to go with the fifth option.

Number 2:

Some adaptations like The Kissing Booth are actually better than the book, so I will go with the second option, There are some good ones, but not many good ones are there.

Number 3:

Oh, definitely three or more. I always do this. Once when I was on a vacation with my family, I ended up carrying five books of a series just because I was like, I might get bored there, etc. etc. It annoys my sister endlessly, but that’s just another reason to carry more books.

Number 4:

More than twenty easily! I mean I have already read more than twenty books this year, and we are just through the first quarter!

Number 5:

Well, 3 A.M. is the latest I have stayed up to finish a book, but that’s just because I start reading at like midnight, and I am most definitely done with the book. If I had to stay up longer I would! But 3 A.M. it is!

Number 6:

Okay, so I do have a membership in a library, but I just got it like before Covid (so, I wasn’t able to go so often) since I would always go to the school library before that. But I think that counts.

Number 7:

Yes, in fact I am a member of two online book clubs! I am not all that active, but I do enjoy the discussions and stuff!

Number 8:

Probably an entire day, if it’s a big shop and if my parents don’t drag me away. I love being around all those books, just browsing shelves….. ah, that feeling’s just amazing.

Number 9:

I haven’t ever done that, but I do love the pink cover edition of Fangirl, a book I love, and I wouldn’t mind buying it someday. So I will go with the first option- only if it were a truly beloved book of mine.

Number 10:


Number 11:

Look I am always browsing books, even if I can’t buy them. I get most of my books from Amazon, I find about a lot of them on an online platform, so I am gonna say once a week, since I do visit Amazon at least once a week, even if I don’t order anything.

Number 12:

I have said this before, and I am saying this again. I can multitask and read a book while practically doing anything. Yes is the answer here.

Number 13:

Um, none of these. I don’t go to a lot of parties, I have never been on a date and I have been to like one concert in my life.

Number 14:

Oh, books have definitely changed my life. They have changed the way I look at life. And yes, definitely more than one or two books have changed my life.

And now it’s time for the results! Drumroll please!!

I am 88% obsessed! I can’t say I am pleased but I am not displeased either!

Okay, so I would love all of you to take the quiz and let me know how book obsessed you really are, but I want these people to take the quiz for sure! You can do a separate post if you wish to, or you could just let me know in the comments!

  1. Naemi @A Book Owl’s Corner
  2. Virginia @The Sassy Library Fox
  3. Ritz @Living, Loving and Reading
  4. Asic @Haven
  5. Madeleine @The Bookish Mutant
  6. Georgia @Lost in Neverland
  7. and….


Here’s the link in case you missed it!

So, what % book obsessed are you? Take the quiz and let me know in the comments!

57 thoughts on “Bookish Quiz #2 | How obsessed with books am I actually?

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  1. I got 82% obsessed, so it looks like you’re a bigger book nerd than me 🤣 But you’re definitely getting a lengthy version of this in a separate post, because this was just too much fun to read! 😊 Thanks for tagging me!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Hey, Riddhi!!👋 How are you? It has been long since I commented on your posts! The quiz seems good and I might take it!😄 You’re REALLY very obsessed with books!😃 Wow! You already read more than 20 books!? You read so fast!😯 I have read only twO books this year.🤦🏻‍♀️😂 It was fun reading this!! 💖

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey Roshni! I am good, what about you?
      Haha, thanks, I would love to see your results!
      And, well I was going through a patch in Jan and Feb and I tend to read more when that happens, so I ended up reading 12 books each in those months!
      Hey, that’s okay, as long as you do your best!
      Glad to hear that!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m pretty sure almost all of my answers were the same as yours haha.
    Also I’m sorry your foot got hurt! I will now guess the most embarrassing way that you possibly got it hurt:
    You were on a date.
    But you didn’t really like the person.
    But then
    you saw your ACTUAL crush while you were on the date.
    And you tripped over a tree branch in shock
    Which REALLY hurt your foot
    But when you tripped
    You landed in the person with which you were on a date with’s arms
    And this person thought this was a really romantic moment
    And tried to kiss you
    Right in front of your actual crush.

    Liked by 2 people

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