Blogger Interview with Lotus!

Hey Guys! Welcome or welcome back to my blog!

Today, I will be interviewing Lotus @Pages of Starlight! She runs an amazing blog, so check it out, and show her some love!

R- Tell my readers a bit about yourself and your blog. Why do you blog about the topic you blog about?

L- Hey, I’m Lotus and I run Pages of Starlight. I started out in December 2020 because, like so many other people, I was bored during quarantine and I’d wanted to start a blog for a while. I talk mainly about books and occasionally, some photography and writing. I love reading and have ever since I learned. Not a lot of my friends are as big of readers as I am and I wanted a place where I could talk about them with others. So I started my blog! 

R- Ah, the eternal tale of not having enough bookish friends is universal! What about your blog, or blogging in general, you most and least love?

L- I love the blogging community and all the people in it. Everyone’s so supportive of each other and I enjoy interacting with them. Also, I get so many book recommendations! What I love least. . . probably trying to keep up with other people’s posts. I always have at least ten new emails in my inbox every day, telling me that the blogs I follow have put out a new post. It gets kind of stressful if you try to read all of them. 

R- Ah, that’s true! What’s your favorite thing you own and why?

L- Ooh, that’s a hard question, I have so many things I really love. I of course have all my books, but for the sake of variety, we’ll go with something else. My violin is very important to me; I’ve been playing for seven and a half years and I really enjoy it. But I’m not sure if that’s my favorite thing I own. I also have my notebook which has my latest draft of my WIP in it and I would never want to lose that.

R- Oh, 7 and a half years is really amazing- I have been committed to only one thing for that long and that’s reading! Where do you hope to be 5-7 years from now?

L- Five years from now would be 2026. I’d be in college, preferably a UC and somewhat close to where I live, which is California. I’m not sure what I want to study but I’ve always been interested in outer space, so maybe something in that field. And of course, I also want to be an author, so studying something to do with that would be very interesting as well. 

R- Ooh, niceee! Which celeb would you want as your other BFF and why?

L- I didn’t know what to say as my answer, so I took a BuzzFeed quiz, because who doesn’t like BuzzFeed quizzes, and it said my celebrity BFF would be Tom Holland. That’s not a bad choice, he’d be pretty cool to have as a BFF. But I also think maybe an author or a singer would be cool to have as a best friend; I could ask for advice about writing and stuff. 

R- I love Tom Holland tbh!! And yeah, that sounds pretty cool as well! If you could travel in 1. any era 2. any place, when and what would that be?

L- My immediate thought was ancient Greece, mostly because of my love of Percy Jackson. I think it would be really cool to visit Greece in ancient times and to see all the amazing architecture they have there. I especially would like to see the Parthenon in person. Even now, it would be cool, but if I had the chance to go back, that would be awesome as well.

R- OMG YES, THAT WOULD BE SO AWESOME. What do you do when no one else is around?

L- I like singing, just not in front of people. So, when I’m home alone or I know no one else can hear me, I’ll sing whatever song I happen to like at that time. 

R- Haha, I do that too, although you are probably good at it, but I am terrible, really. If you were going to get a tattoo, where and what would it be?

L- There are a few different options I’d possibly go with. I’m probably never going to get a tattoo, but if I did, it would most likely be a lotus flower, a butterfly, something to do with astronomy, or a short quote. As for location, I’ve heard that the shoulder is one of the least painful places to get a tattoo, so it sounds like a good spot. Or I’d get it on the upper side of my arm. 

R- Ooh, nice! Dogs or Cats?

L- Dogs, no question. I love cats too, but I’m definitely more of a dog person. Also, I have a dog and he’d probably get offended if I said I loved cats more.

R- I wish I had a dog too… *stares dreamily into the space, and imagines how good life would be with a dog.* Lastly, what was your experience of doing a guest post on my blog? Any feedback for my blog?

L- I had a lot of fun answering these questions! I think these interviews are a great way to meet other bloggers. Your blog is amazing, Riddhi, and I really enjoy reading your posts!

R- Thank you so much Lotus, I had fun having you here!

And that is it for today! The blogger interviews were supposed to end today, but guess what? We have four more interviews coming up, and I am so excited for those!

Where would you get a tattoo if you were to get one? Let me know in the comments!

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