To All the Fictional Boys I’ve Loved Before | Valentine’s Day Special

Hey everyone and a very special happy valentine’s day to all of you!! I hope you are having loads of fun with your husband/wife or boyfriend/girlfriend!! I, on the other hand, am going on dates with my textbooks and a romance novel I am reading, but I decided to slip this special post in.

So, as most of you probably know, I am single. The only dates I go on are either fictional, or with my textbooks. So, I decided to enlist some of my fiercest fictional crushes here, and also write down what I like about them.

(Also, I kinda stole the idea from To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, just in case that wasn’t evident from the title of the post. This idea has been brewing in my brains for months, now.)

Peter, Noah (Girl Online), Sebastian from If there’s no tomorrow, Maxon

1. Levi Stewart from Fangirl

Image result for fangirl

So, this was my first ever fictional crush and the book was also the first ebook I had ever read. It was also one of the first YA books I had ever read. I also related to Cath at a level that I haven’t before with any other character. It was also the book which got me over my…er… first …erm…. break-up (Don’t. Judge. Me. Please.) So, yes, this was a book of firsts. And that is also probably why he is first on the list.

For those of you who do not know Levi, he is one of the leading protagonist in the novel Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. It is one of my favourite novels of all times and I literally don’t talk about it enough.
Levi is a 21-year-old who is majoring in Range Management at the University of Nebraska- Lincoln . He is a very outdoorsy person and not at all a book person. He is tall, thin and has dark-blond hair. He has blue eyes and the smilingest face ever.

Levi is a really really really sweet guy and literally feels realistic, you know? Like he is not perfect- he has his flaws. But the way he tries to amend them is really good. There was just this one place where I felt a surge of hatred for him, but then all his cuteness and silliness brought me back into loving him. While I don’t still love him as I used to, he will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart, and I don’t think I will ever be able to forget him or this book.

2. Xander from The Distance Between Us

Image result for the distance between us

Okay, so there was this phase in the middle, when I had stopped reading YA romance. Yes, I know it is unbelievable and never likely to happen, but it did happen. I was reading dystopia and mystery, but no romance. But then, I met…. Kasie West. She brought back my love for YA romance and well, here we are!
Now, the first Kasie West book I read was The Distance Between Us. And the guy in the book, was so so so so so nice, that I fell in love with him immediately.

3. Noah from Girl Online

Image result for girl online book

Okay, first off, this book is severely underrated. I mean the plot-💯, the characters- 💯💯 and the writing style-💯💯💯. Now of all those characters, my favourite is Noah (duh). He is so caring and understanding and protective. And his Rock-God-tastic looks don’t really hurt, do they?
I swear this book needs to be made into a movie. Please God, heed in to my plea!

4. Sebastian from If There’s No Tomorrow

Image result for if there's no tomorrow book

Ah, where do I even start?
So, If There’s No Tomorrow is a YA novel by Jennifer L. Armentrout, not entirely based on romance. It also deals with trauma and grief and is very important for today’s generation to read.
Sebastian is a 17-year-old senior, who has been Lena’s best friend since forever. He is also very sweet and patient, you know? I really really liked him a lot!

5. Peter from To All The Boys I’ve loved Before

Image result for to all the boys i loved before book

I saved the best for the last!
I think all of us are aware how much I love him and everyone knows I have fangirled on my blog, so I am not going to really you know, fangirl more.

So, as Lara Jean wrote five letters, I have five crushes that I listed here! Who are your fictional crushes? Let me know in the comments!

53 thoughts on “To All the Fictional Boys I’ve Loved Before | Valentine’s Day Special

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  1. Ahmazing post Riddhi! Here I am preparing for AP Biology but then this pops up in my email. I guess we can surely say Peter is awesome!!
    What are your views on John Ambrose tho?

    My list would pretty much be similar although Cedric Diggory and Edward Cullen would have pretty fixed spots.

    Remember how Xander started the whole career hunting thing? It was soo cool!!! And then coffee thing!!!!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Wow! Nice choices 😀 and awesome post
    – I love Aaron Walker from My Fake Boyfriend(Wattpad novel)
    – I love Hayden Walker from Gaslight (again a Wattpad N)
    Why are they both Walkers? I’m realizing it now. And my pen name is Swift WALKER 😀 !!!
    – Dexter from One Day
    – Josh from Josh and Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating (heart)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What a brilliantly fun post! I don’t think I really have bookish crushes, I have characters that I get so totally consumed in but not always in a crush kind of way, although if I had to pick I guess Rhysand would have to be top of the bookish crush list right now!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I really enjoyed this post! My fictional crushes are, Nox from Dorothy must die, Ky from the Matched series, Newt from The maze runner, Jacin from The lunar chronicles, and Gale from the hunger games! Some of these guys are just too amazing to not love

    Liked by 1 person

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