Award | The Liebster Award #10, #11 and #12

Hey Guys! Welcome or welcome back to my Youtube channel my blog!

I don’t know why my brain made me type that. Bad brain!

Brain: Yeah, right, like you wouldn’t have done it anyway.

Anyway, ignoring my brain *ignores brain throwing tantrum in the corner*, I have been yet again nominated for the Liebster Award by three amazing bloggers Emily @Frappes and Fiction, Asic @Haven and Virginia @The Sassy Library Fox. Both of them post amazing content so please go over to their blogs, and show them some love!

The Liebster Award 2021 | Find Out Some More Useless Facts About Me! - featured image

The Rules:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and add a link to their blog
  • Answer the 11 questions given to you
  • Share 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 11 bloggers that you think deserve the award
  • Ask 11 innovative questions to the ones you have nominated
  • Remember to notify your nominees once you have uploaded your acknowledgement post

Virginia’s Questions:

1. If you could be any book character which one would you like to be and why?

Annabeth Chase or Hermione Granger because they are so smart!!!!

2. A new favourite author you discovered in 2021?

I discovered this really cool author who write contemporary romances without too much steam, but with amazing messages- Sarah Adams. I also discovered Holly Bourne, who’s books are a literal slap to reality.

3. Are you a fan of k-dramas (or dramas in general) and if yes which one would you recommend?

Not really, no.

4. Is there an author you literally bought all books from?

I haven’t, but I do wish to own all books of Agatha Christie, Karen M. McManus, Rick Riordan and so many more!

5. Today’s TMI? *lol*

It’s seven in the evening (at least on the day I am writing this post on), and I haven’t taken a bath yet.

6. What’s your favourite season and why?

I don’t think I have one, honestly. I love/hate them all equally.

7. Do you prefer to drink tea, coffee or water?


8. Which kind of tropes do you really dislike in books?

I LOATHE instalove. I cannot tolerate it.

9. Your top 5 books of 2021 so far?

i. Loveless
ii. The Places I’ve Cried in Public
iii. What Would the Aunties Say?
iv. The Friend Zone
v. Cinder

in no particular order.

10. What is your favourite animal/creature from a book and why?

I don’t know why but my brain has suddenly gone blank and I cannot remember a single mythical creature. Oh, I bet my brain’s still throwing a tantrum. Get over it, brain!

11. Do you play an instrument and if yes, which one?

I do play the guitar, although I haven’t in a while. I also know a few chords of the ukulele, and can play the piano a bit.

Emily’s Questions:

1. What’s your favorite book and how did you find it?

Emily! Just one favourite book?! I refuse to answer this question, because of this outrageous question you have asked! #protest.

2. Do you ever regret starting a book blog?

I actually don’t. It’s a pleasure and an honour that the book blogging community has accepted me, and I am happy to be here!

3. If you had to choose a different bookish platform, apart from blogging, what would you choose?

Youtube, because I really want a booktube!

4. Library or bookstore?

Bookstore. New books>>>> Old books.

5. Do your IRL friends/coworkers know about your blog?

Yes, they do, and some of them are very supportive as well!

6. What is your biggest goal?

Have an apartment, a well-paying job and a golden retriever and/or a daschund by the time I am 27.

7. Do you use bookmarks?

Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t.

8. What’s the latest you’ve ever stayed up reading?

3 A.M.- I would have stayed up longer, but the book got over 😦

9. If you had to recommend one book for the rest of your life what would it be?

Oh, dear lord, Emily, what are these questions?! I guess I would recommend The Places I’ve Cried in Public by Holly Bourne

10. Did you read blogs before starting your own?

No, I didn’t, which was a BIG mistake, on my part.

11. What’s your least favorite part of reading?

The inability to talk to characters, and knock some sense into them, or tell them that they are trusting the villain etc. etc.

Asic’s Questions:

  1. Give me 5 books that you would rate 5 stars
    Hmm.. five books I’ve rated five stars are Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, Am I Normal Yet? by Holly Bourne, Loveless by Alice Oseman, The Murder of Roger Ackroyd and The Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie.
  2. If you could rename your blog to anything else, what would it be?
    I don’t know, Ridh’s Bookish Club or something? If I could go back in time I would definitely change my blog name though, since there’s a website titled Whispering Stories with a dotcom domain :((
  3. Would you rather be an expert at one thing or be good at many things?
    I think I am not an expert at any one thing, but am good at multiple ones, so I think I would wanna be an expert at one thing now, lol.
  4. Maths or science??
  5. Pancakes or waffles?
    Homemade pancakes and waffles from a restaurant. I haven’t really mastered the art of making waffles- well I don’t have a waffle machine, so I make bubble waffles, and those are tricky!
  6. What’s one thing about your blog that you love?
    Oh, this is difficult! I mean, I love my blog so much, it’s difficult to pick one thing! AAAAH, no I can’t do this!
  7. If you could change one thing about your life what would it be?
    I don’t want to share this, it’ll get too deep and cringey, so no.
  8. Black ink or blue ink?
    BLACK. Blue ink for some reason annoys the hell out of me, especially in OMRs and stuff. There’s no rhyme or rhythm to it, it’s just a weird thing for me.
  9. Are you scared for spotify wrapped up just like me, or are you ok with your music taste being out in the open?
    I mean, I don’t really mind because it’s really random with a lot of Taylor Swift?
  10. What are 3 things you would rate 10/10?
    The concept of books, the concept of music, and a good hair day.
  11. What are 3 things on the other hand, that you would rate 0/10?
    Uhh… That moment when you want to tell someone something, and call out their name a gazillion times, only to forget what that something was, and end up getting glared at, that moment when your maggi (noodles) don’t have enough spice, that moment when the pasta sauce you’ve made at home becomes too milky/thin.

Facts about me:

  1. I love the colour blue
  2. I have absolutely zero hidden talents
  3. I have a gazillion hobbies like writing poetry, painting mini canvasses, baking, cooking, but can only keep up with reading and blogging.
  4. I am a picky eater.
  5. I am a mood reader
  6. Music is the soundtrack to my life (That doesn’t really make sense does it?)
  7. Sass is the spice of my life
  8. My poems are usually a reflection of my feelings on the day I’m writing them.
  9. I have like four friends IRL
  10. I am super awkward IRL. I have phases when I think I am not, but I am extremely awkward.
  11. Since I cannot think of anything else- I have a poetry blog right here.

I am not tagging anyone, since I have already done this a bunch of times!

That’s it for this post! Thanks for the nomination Emily, Asic and Virginia, I really enjoyed answering your questions! And guys, let me know your least favourite part of reading in the comments below!

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