Wrapping 2021 and Beginning 2022!


Ahem, okay, no. I should give a proper introduction to the post. Right?

Hey everyone, welcome or welcome back to my blog!

Happy new year! Boy, am I glad to leave 2021 behind! You know, it actually feels like time flew, but didn’t at the same time? Like if I think back to January 2021, I feel like I was so much more younger back then, and like idk, it’s a weird feeling. Anyway, moving on!

Goals for 2021? Were they accomplished?

So, actually, in my 2021 new years post, I set up a bunch of goals (kinda?), and let’s see where I have reached-

Books: As for books, I am hoping to first get rid of my physical TBR and then move on to all popular books I haven’t read. There are three books I am really really really really really excited for- Sunkissed by Kasie West, You will be the Death of Me by Karen M. McManus and The Ex Talk by Rachel Lynn Solomon. It won’t be possible for me to read as much as I read this year, but I want to be able to read 50+ books at the very least.

So, I definitely did NOT get rid of my physical TBR, in fact it’s actually pretty long. I did read a few popular books like Cinder and SoC, so that goal is partially completed. I also read all three of my anticipated releases for 2021. And oh, I definitely crossed 50 books, in fact I think I crossed that goal in June or maybe July…

Blogging: So, for 2021, I would like to keep up the work I do on my blog, and improve it more if I can. I want to write more discussions but I am not sure if I will be able to do so in the near future as all my ideas have vanished into the air. Poof!

I am looking forward to the blogger interviews since I have enjoyed reading the answers that have come to me. I also am hoping to come up with more interesting ideas so as to increase audience engagement.

Okay, so I definitely wrote a bunch of discussions and not gonna lie, I loved some of them! And I also did another series of blogger interviews and a bunch of other ideas to increase audience engagement. I also definitely gained about 600+ followers this year, so yay and thank you for that!

Social Media Presence: Other than that, I hope to better my social media presence. I am on Instagram, TwitterPinterestGoodreads and Wattpad, but none of them stand out when I compare them to other bookish people’s profiles. I haven’t been all that active on Goodreads either, and I have so many unread notifications! So, I need to work on that too!

Also, I am hoping to finish my Wattpad novel this year. 

Ummm…. *looks down, ashamed* I was more active on Goodreads, but all the others took a massive leap into the abyss. And the worst thing is I don’t know if I’ll be able to work on them more this year either!

As for the novel, I went into a slump after writing like 36 chapters, but well, I am hoping to get to it in April, when I might be slightly freer. Ah, well, who knows?

Looking back on 2021:

2021 was one hell of a ride, honestly. Well, let’s get to it.

Blogging: I posted a whopping 286 posts this year. Whoa, I know! I had about 38,000 views this year, with over 15,000 likes, which again whoa, I know! It was honestly an amazing year blogging wise, and I hope to keep up a similar style in my blogging.
I also started two new personal blogs- one for poetry (Click here to check it out ) and one for Human Book Club (Click here to check it out) , and there are no regrets there either. However, I might go on a hiatus for a couple of weeks on all three blogs soon.

Here are some of my favourite posts from this year!

  1. The entire reacting to weird reading habits, bookish pet peeves, unpopular opinions etc thing I did!
  2. Advice for new bloggers
  3. 7 Things Bookworms are tired of hearing
  4. 11 Ways the Blogging Community Changed me!
  5. 17 Thoughts While Turning 17 (This is a viewer’s favourite too, the post has 130+ likes, which is like whoaa!)
  6. Types of followers we all have.
  7. Blogging pet peeves I have that make no sense

Blogging highlights of the year:

  1. We hit 900 followers!
  2. We hit 50k views!
  3. I made so many new blogger friends, and am grateful to each and every one of you! Seriously, thank you for making this year better!

Reading: After an intense last two weeks (reading wise), I ended up achieving my Goodreads goal of 96 books!

Here are some of my favourite reads from 2021!

  1. The Spinster Club trilogy by Holly Bourne (READ THIS ASAP GUYS IT IS AMAZING MIND BLOWN LEVEL AMAZING- All three are definitely my favourite reads of the year- each outshone the previous book)
  2. The Midnight Library by Matt Haig
  3. The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer
  4. Behind Closed Doors by B. A. Paris
  5. The Friend Zone trilogy by Abby Jimenez
  6. Loveless by Alice Oseman
  7. What Would the Aunties Say by Anchal Seda
  8. The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides
  9. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid
  10. You Should See Me in a Crown by Leah Johnson

My Least Favourite Reads of 2021:

Honestly, I didn’t really read a lot of books I didn’t like in 2021, so this is just a short list (with one or maybe two names that might spark a controversy)

  1. Textrovert by Lindsey Summers
  2. Not That Kind of Guy by Andie Christopher
  3. We Were Liars by E. Lockhart
  4. Without Merit by Colleen Hoover

According to Goodreads I read 96 books and a total of 33,244 pages, with an average rating of 3.8 stars and an average of 346 pages per book! The shortest book I read was Ranji’s Wonderful Bat and other stories by Ruskin Bond (I legit read this yesterday to complete my goal, lol) and the longest was Winter by Marissa Meyer. The most popular book I read was The Midnight Library by Matt Haig and the least shelved was The Winning Ingredient by Kelly Swan Taylor.

Yep, that was 2021 in blogging and books! Onto 2022!

Goals for blogging 2022:

Honestly, I just hope I can keep up with blogging as much as I have in the past. I am probably going to go to college, and I have no clue how hectic that is going to be. So, for now, it’s hitting 1000 followers (Wow, look at that, 3 zeroes behind 1!) and well, keeping up the three blogs! And of course, finishing up all the pending reacting to stuff I have left.

Goals for reading and writing 2022:

I have set a Goodreads goal of 60 books this year. Should I complete it early, I’ll push it up to 72, but for now it’s 60. I hope to read a little more non-fiction this year. Like of 60, at least 8, maybe? Also, I must read something other than contemporary, and mysteries! I read a bit too much of it, haha. And new authors must be explored!

Also, I hope to clear my physical TBR, which is actually pretty huge by now (and I still feel like I don’t have books to read whenever I open my cupboard to check the books out🤦‍♀️). So, yes, that’s one goal. Another goal is to sign up for at least one blog tour a month, and finish it so as to expand my reading horizons.

Yeah I guess that’s it for reading goals for 2022(It’s so weird to say 2022, I swear to god)

As for writing, I am hoping to write about 3-4 poems a month at the very least, and hopefully, hopefully I’ll finish my WIP on Wattpad- titled The Musical Love Story of Noah and Lisa.

Well, that’s pretty much it! Unlike last year, I don’t have many anticipated releases for 2022- just one Karen M. McManus book and the fourth season of Stranger Things and of course, hopefully, we’ll get a new rerecorded Taylor Swift album (Or if we are lucky, an entirely new one- she has to have been working on new music)!

So, this was my 2021 wrap-up and 2022 goals! I hope you had a better 2021 than me, and here’s to a great 2022! What are some of your goals for 2022? Let me know in the comments!

P.S.- Let’s just hope this is not true:

2022... 2020 TOO OH HELL NAW : r/memes

30 thoughts on “Wrapping 2021 and Beginning 2022!

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  1. I’m not even going to plan to up my social media game, since I know I’d be terrible at it 🤣 Besides, I LIKE not being too active on social media – I don’t want to get too wrapped up in the internet and still prioritze my offline life, you know? #goodexcuses
    Anyway, Riddhi, I feel like you did amazing accomplishing your goals, and I hope 2022 goes great as well!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey Srishti! Happy New Year!
      I mean, in the initial stages not really- i still don’t have a good social media presence, and all the followers i have on Instagram are mostly because I know that many people IRL or via my blog. So, not really, it isn’t. At least up to a certain extent- i feel if you wanna professionally be a blogger, it is, otherwise not really.

      Liked by 1 person

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