Read-a-thons Pros and Cons | Discussion Post #3

Hey Guys! So, as you know, I recently took part in a Taylor Swift Read-a-thon and since then I have kinda been fascinated by these things. There are so many read-a-thons that take place and I wanted to do a thorough research on them. What better way than to do a discussion post on them, right?

Firstly, What is a Read-a-thon?

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A Read-a-thon is basically a time period wherein you read books that you have previously selected. For example, in the Taylor Swift Read-a-thon I took part in, I did a post selecting the prompts relating to which I would read the books and named the books I would read. In the following month (s) (in some cases weeks, days or even hours!), I am to finish all the books I have chosen.

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  1. Our reading habits become more organized
    So, I pick books on a whim and forget about the books that have been on my TBR forever. So, it does help in organizing reading.
  2. They enhance your reading and diversify the genres you read (to some extent)
    So, generally read-a-thons have a certain list of prompts which may or may not be according to the genres you love. If you are determined to diversify the genres you read, this can be your perfect excuse!
  3. You get to create more content for your blog with ease!
    So, you get to write book reviews for the books you will be reading in the read-a-thon and you get to do two additional posts as well- one as an announcement and another as a wrap-up.
  4. You get to stay in (very useful if you are an introvert)
    It is self-explanatory.
  5. You get to read along with other readers
    This makes you feel that you are a part of something huge and that, my friends, is a good feeling.
  6. They are FUN!


  1. They don’t work if you are a mood reader
    Well, in most cases, this is the case. I am a mood reader and they worked for me.
  2. You might feel like a failure if you don’t “win” the readathon and fall into a slump instead.
    This is true. However, I personally believe that we should take a look at our schedules and then pick a read-a-thon to take place in. This way, there won’t be such a situation.
  3. You need to follow booktube to take part in these
    There aren’t many read-a-thons which originate on WordPress. To be caught up with the latest read-a-thons, you need to follow booktube and I personally prefer blogs to videos.
  4. It might be stressful for some people
    Especially when they are taking part in 24 hour read-a-thons. Some common phrases that might enter your brain are: Why am I not reading fast enough? Am I in a slump? What should I read next? But, they’ve read more than me! I’m reading so so slowly!

So, to conclude- read-a-thons are rather fun to do and an amazing way to catch up with that never-ending TBR. It may or may not suit you if you are a mood reader, but I suggest that you give a read-a-thon a try sometime!

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Some read-a-thons going around right now and I thought I would share them with you. I won’t be taking part in any of them cause I will get over with the Taylor Play-list-a-thon on 13th and I need to read some other books after that, so well.(I have linked to the read-a-thon post):

  1. Reindeer Readathon– I came across this one on Chelsie’s blog- My Reading Escape.
  2. December Readathon– This one is hosted by Angie @Read With Angie
  3. Christmathon– This one is hosted by Tiffany @Bookish Tiffany.
  4. Disney Channel Games Readathon– I found this one on a booktube channel- Mer Reads.
  5. End of Year-a-thon– This one is hosted by Amanda @Classy X Books Reviews and Vicky @What Vicky Read.
  6. Rhonda @Rhonda With a Book is hosting a Jane Austen themed read-a-thon.
  7. Romance Takeover Read-a-thon– I came across this one at Rebecca’s blog- Bookishly Rebecca
  8. The Shorty Shuffle Read-a-thon– This is being co-hosted by Paola @By My Shelf.
  9. Introducing 12 Days of Queermas– This is being hosted by Arin and Brittany @Sapphic Saturdays
  10. A Very Merry Read-a-thon and Oh What Fun Read-a-thon– I saw these at the blog See Girl Read.
  11. Cloak and Dagger Read-a-thon– I came across this one at Elaine Howlin’s blog.
  12. Merry Bookmas– I found this one on Lilkadykitty’s blog.
  13. Cozy in Decemberrr Read-a-thon- I found this one on Rose’s blog- Wanders Between Pages

Do check these out and try and give them a try if you haven’t already! I hope I have shown some of you the beauty of the world of read-a-thons! Also, some of them have already started, so hurry!!

Hope you enjoyed reading my discussion post!! What are your views on read-a-thons?? Will you be taking part in any read-a-thon in the near future?? Let me know in the comments!!!

Also, do not forget to fill this feedback form if you haven’t already!!

P.S.- In the feedback form, someone told me to interview some bloggers. Can someone please tell me how exactly does that work? Also, would any of you be interested in it?

25 thoughts on “Read-a-thons Pros and Cons | Discussion Post #3

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  1. Readathons are super fun but they can be stressful and I always fail at them! I have never once completed the TBR I set out for myself but that’s ok because I always have a lot of fun reading with others. Amazing post!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow Riddhi, splendid job- this discussion was really well written and helpful for me, a scaredy cat of readathons! Indeed, my main excuse is because they are insanely stressful for an overachiever like myself haha… but diversifying books and also less effort blog content are really good motivators as well! Thanks so much for all the recommendations and encouragement!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I loved this post!! Basically a summary of all my thought 😀.
    And I’m not sure what an interview is exactly on wp, but long ago, I saw a post where the blogger had written down some questions she had asked a blogger as well the answers they gave was titled as interview so….

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Personally, I love read-a-thons but totally agree with you on the prefer blogs to vlogs part! I used to see a lot but since giving up on YouTube for my bookish content, I see less and less read-a-thon. I feel like there are a lot of things BookTube has more of than Book Blogs do which is sad because we can do everything they can yet almost seem to choose not to

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m currently participating in a readathon called Tis The Seasonathon. It’s funny, it’s meant to be a holiday themed readathon, but only one of my books was Christmas related and even then, it didn’t focus on Christmas lol. I’m having fun with it, but there was a moment were I wasn’t sure if I’ll be able to finish. I have 3 days to go, including today, with one book to read, so I think I’ll be fine 🙂

    I have to say I’m having fun with it. I would love to participate in a WP readathon, but I’m honestly not sure how it would work lol

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thanks for including our upcoming readathon in this post, Riddhi! Readathons definitely have their pros and cons, and I really enjoyed reading your thoughts about each! I think the biggest con for me is the one you listed as #2- feeling like a failure if you don’t read much or at all. To combat that, I try to remind myself that no one other than me is expecting me to read, and that if reading is too much for me at the time, then thats OK. It still gets to me sometimes (especially when I fall into a reading slump during one of my own readathons, lol) but I try to focus on not getting too down about it. When I’m feeling up to the challenge and want to get a ton of reading in, readathons can be SO fun! I’ll definitely be checking out the others you linked in this. Great post 🙂 -Brittany

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I’ve tried joining but I never succeed mostly because I’m a mood reader and they don’t work for me. When I pick the books based on the themes I think I’m good but then my mood comes in and I don’t even feel like participating or feel the pressure to finish the books. But I do love watching others do readathons and seeing all the different themes and books.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Lovely discussion!! And I really liked how you featured different readathons here!! I really should participate in one to feel the experience! Hope the one you’re participating in is going well! Oh and I’d love to be interviewed by you Riddhi!

    Liked by 1 person

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