Discussion Post | Feelings you experience when you enter college

Hey everyone! Welcome or welcome back to my blog! So, it's officially been a month since college started, and boy, has it been a rollercoaster ride. I have felt a variety of emotions, and it's just been.... a bit too much, if I'm being honest. Without further ado, let's get into it! Happiness:Look, I am... Continue Reading →

Discussion Post | Types of People You Meet in the First Two Weeks of College

That is weirdly specific to me, but we're flowing with it! Hey everyone! Welcome or welcome back to my blog! So, it's been a while since I did one of these posts, hasn't it? But I was literally doing a college assignment (Yes, this person a.k.a me who literally has the mental age of six... Continue Reading →

Discussion Post | Bad Reading Tastes?

Hey everyone! Welcome or welcome back to my blog! So, recently, there was this Instagram post I was seeing (I can't find the link to it now, sorry!), which said that whoever said that Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover read like a Wattpad novel was dumb or something. Then there was another reel which said... Continue Reading →

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